Thursday, April 9, 2009

To The Letter

I got the review letter put together and thought I'd share what it will look like when I send it out. It feels good to be not only be sharing information about what is around, but also trying to enact some change!

Dear _________,

Congratulations! Your business was recently reviewed in our undercover mom blog that reviews local businesses in the Salem area on their level of kid friendliness. I’m including a copy of that review for you to look through.

If you would like to see the site and the other businesses that we have reviewed in this area, please check out:

The following are some suggestions that we have for making your businesses more kid friendly:

We hope that you will take a moment to read your review and consider the suggestions listed.


Kid Friendly Salem

I'm hoping we will make it out to the Tulip Festival today! Review to come shortly!


AJ June 17, 2009 at 9:17 PM  

Awesome idea. I hope they make those changes!

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